Friday, November 28, 2008

Final post on Election Day!

Well it has been a hectic last couple of days with Pre Poll ( I've been out at Springvale Council Offices) and we've had close to 2000 early votes for Lightwood.
For those of you yet to vote, I hope you get a chance to read this. I've been positive about the campaign so far, and remain to be, yet I want to expose the "dirty tricks" that the alleged "independents" have been playing.

I feel it only right to set the record straight about a certain incumbent councillor and her comments over the last couple of days, hopefully this will enlighten you to why I have preferenced her last.

Firstly- I've paid for my own material, I haven't been bought out by the party. My material is different all the other candidates.
Another incumbent has the audacity to reproduce identical material for all her running mates. I feel immensely sorry for the residents of Paperbark ward to have to sift through all that material.

Secondly- I'm not party stack, I don't have running mates. No one has directly preferenced me. To be thoroughly independent you wouldn't have a direct preference. She has two. Not suprisingly, she got up on preferences last time, so here she goes again.

Thirdly, I am my own person with my own conscience. I am an honest person who has run an honest campaign. And at the end of it all, I can sleep at night knowing that I've done my utmost best and put in my hardest.

The incumbent and her running mates should hang their heads in shame and that goes for every alleged incumbent- (mostly Ex-ALP members) who have played "dirty tricks" against the ALP.
It is people like yourselves who leave residents with negative feelings about the work of Council as you use it as massive ego trips.

Good luck to every decent person running this election.

Signing out,

Lauren :)

Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

Couple more days to go and the Election office at Dandenong is getting busier.

Here are some answers to some FAQ's.

On voting

I've recently moved house, I haven't changed my address but I still want to vote. What can I do?

The Roll closed on the 3rd of October. If you're still on the roll, you can vote from your old address.
There will be no absentee voting available. If you need a postal vote, it needs to be in by this Friday.
Please do your best to attend on Saturday, or attend a pre poll centre.
*If you want further clarification please ring the Election Office (Dandenong) on 9701 3431

I'm getting more personal questions every day and I'm going to share the answers here:

On my background
What's your nationality?
Not that my background should matter significantly, my parents are Sri Lankan Burghers, hence the Portugese surname. There's a mix of Dutch, English and Portugese in there.

On my age
You're 21, but you're too young. What experience do you have?
I'd like to point out that one of the requirements in the eligibilty to stand means that I'd need to be on the roll.
What if I'd stood at 18? How much of a rap would I recieved straight out of secondary school?
Age is irrelevant. It is the capacity to serve. Check out my other posts if you need more proof.

On the local papers
You've been quiet in the paper, why haven't we seen your photo?
I have scant regard for biased publishing by our current crop of papers. That's my honest opinion. That's why I have kept a blog on my journey as an candidate so you hear my part.

I have sent my comments as required to the papers and then copied them here and kept the corrospondance.

I've sent what was required to the Leader, Star and Journal.
In regards to The Leader I sent both the statement and photo before deadline, but the they've only decided to show the photo for some reason. They didn't return my call or email when questioned.

The Star, although had asked for 100 words, skimmed my submission when published.
Again sent by deadline.

The Journal asked for a response on a host of issues. They were up front with using the news worthy bits though. They didn't ask for a photo.
It was sent by deadline and they acknowledged the submission.
However, it is unfortunate that one the same paper this week published a biased article from an incumbant. A fly on the wall could tell a much greater story.

The paper that covered my profile and gave half page to was NewsExchange. Thank you to James Fernandez and Des Kelly for that.

Tip for the day: Do your research. Drill the candidates with questions.

Hope to see you around over the next couple of days.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thinking positively...

Our thoughts and actions cause an effect. It is the nature of our those thoughts and actions that make the difference.

I have chosen to do my campaign with positivity. I trust the residents of Lightwood figure out what kind of community they want and which candidate best represents them.
I have chosen to envisage a community that has the capacity to grow, change and adapt to the current climate. Some of that is common sense thinking, some of it is dreaming large. It is the glass half full, not the glass half empty.
To move forward with the times. To care for and protect everyone.
Can these statements change anything?

Negative campaigns based on fear, breed fear. And they effect people too.
I repeat my request for all residents to check out the history and involvement of the candidates and incumbents and what their actions have been.

You have the chance to make a difference. Your vote is the decider.

I came across this website and had to share. Our body and earth are both 70% water and this research has to do with the implications our thoughts and actions have toward water. Its a children's book, but we can all learn from it.

I'd like to know what you think.

Friday, November 21, 2008

On the campaign trail...

Almost one week to go! Thank you to the amazing network of people who have helped out with getting my material into all the letterboxes. Major thanks to "Superman". You know who you are!

Generally all has been good so far, except for two things that happened this week. ( But not all bad, because we found the funny side of it.)
1. This week one of my corflutes was removed from Springvale Station. Having put these together myself I was kinda disappointed, but also found it funny that someone would actually want a picture of me. :P

2. Letterboxing in Springvale South. My sister and cousin were helping me out with an area and young man of Asian background driving past stuck his head out the window and yelled at them "Go back to Africa."
Now as my family are not of an African background at all, they did find it funny.
But racism is not funny. Living in a multicultural Melbourne we should accepting of everyone.
What is your response to racism?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

These boots are made for walking...

Thanks to all the people who have volunteered to do letterbox drops of my flyers. There is much to cover and lots of walking to do within the next week!
It has been an interesting journey so far, discovering and learning more each day.

I sincerely hope residents log onto here and check out my blogs. If you're reading this, please say hi!


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Early voting centres- opening times and dates

If you are unable to attend on the 29th of November, you can cast an early vote:

at the VEC’s election office, Unit 6, 119-123 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong (the old Supa Lighting store)


* 9am - 5pm, Wednesday 29 October to Wednesday 26 November
* 9am - 8pm, Thursday 27 November
* 9am - 6pm, Friday 28 November

So far 110 residents have voted already, mostly those from Red Gum and Paperbark Wards.

This year there are only 3 days you can cast an early vote at council locations, those dates and times are:


* 9am - 5pm, Wednesday 26 November
* 9am - 8pm, Thursday 27 November
* 9am - 6pm, Friday 28 November


* Springvale Council Offices Customer Service Centre
* Dandenong Council Offices Customer Service Centre
* Keysborough Reserve Hall (Senior Citizens Centre), 352 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough

Lauren's How to Vote

View my How to Vote card here:

The real story on preferences

My How to Vote card has been officially registered and a sample is contained in the flyer. Most of the other candidates have registered their how to votes across the municipality and its sad to see some current councillors who have stacked wards with "dummy" candidates. That is people that stand for election on a basic or no platform and hand over their 2nd preference to the "real" candidate.

You'll know who they are when you see on their how to votes that they've preferenced other current councillors last or near to last or in some cases, if you are the same nationality, they'll place you last as well.

I'm not going to name names, I believe you all to be intelligent readers with minds of your own to figure out that information for yourselves. Unfortunately, local papers will only give you snippets of "news worthy" bits for you make your minds up with and last minute too.

I hope it is clear to you that I have never been a dummy for anyone and never will be. Stacking is a major problem in the Labor Party and in effort to clean up that image the Labor Party decided to officially support a small number of candidates per ward. I've mentioned in another post who those people are. We all faced a preselection and in the midst of a Head Office debacle, we were able to get most of our local members to vote and those people won on their own merits. We've been able to prove to our party our worth as candidates.
That said, supported candidates only get to use the logo, each candidate has to finance their own campaign. There isn't a slush fund for candidates.

I'm endorsed by The Hon. Simon Crean, which is an honour. I have great respect for Simon as a person and as an MP.
I got to know Simon better after doing Killester's Year 10 Work Experience program at his Clayton Electorate Office and joining the Clayton South Branch at a meeting during that week. Since then I've been one of the youngest still at the branch and have worked on his campaigns. He's a top bloke and an incredible inspiration.
His endorsement means a lot to me. I hope when you read that, you'll understand too.

But that's my story. Everyone else has their own story and journey. If that isn't enough- and never be afraid to ask of more, I urge you all to take a leaf out of, where the real candidates for City of Maroondah have gotten together and created this list to ask of the following to the candidates:

Do they have a history of involvement in our community?

Do they belong to community organisations?

Do they have a web site or blog? What is on it?

Are they clear about what they stand for?

Do they live in the ward they are standing for?

Are they easy to contact?

You can find Lightwood ward candidates details through this link.

Better still, check out and find out what they've been involved with, you never know what you may find.

Cheers :)

Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Everybody needs good neighbours...

(This blog title to borrow from the Neighbours theme song. ;))

This evening, I hit the streets with my dedicated family to letterbox drop my campaign pamphlets in the Springvale South/ Noble Park area.

We managed to cover just under 2 CCD's. 48 to go. There is a certain sense of pride in doing things yourself and meeting the people. And I don't mean that to be pompous or over the top, just honest and up front with your ideas and vision.

Today I got talking to a young couple, who have just moved into their new home and listened to their comments and got to learn a bit about them.
One interesting thing I came away with, was their commitment to getting to know their new neighbours. They made the first move and introduced themselves.
Instead of maybe the other way around, where existing residents making the effort to get to know the new people in their street. Kudos to them! I wish them all the very best and hope things work out for them.
It can take real guts to make the first move or break the ice. But the effort is well worth it.

How many of us know our neighbours? Literally? What's the relationship like?
The good relationships can often turn into lifelong friendships.
I know of a couple of families in one street that are always in and out of each others garden, mowing lawns and swapping plant cuttings from their gardens and having hour long conversations.
Our next door neighbours moved to another area to be closer to family, but we still stay in touch. They've become extended family!

However some people aren't that lucky. I'd like to hear your responses. Good and bad.

Community begins in your backyard. Make an effort to say hi to your neighbours this weekend, because sometimes strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You're the voice

This blog title is from one of my favourite John Farnham songs. Yes, anyone who has ever known me knows that if ever I had any regrets, it would be that I never saw the Last Time tour. But who knows, he was former Dandenong resident, would love to see him perform here again!
But this blog isn't about John Farnham, it's about being a independent voice that's loud and clear. Therefore I'm gonna post everything here what has been requested by the three newspapers, without edits:

The Leader
Lightwood Ward needs attention. I will be advocating for improvement of our public spaces, drought proofing our sporting grounds and creating leisure facilities. I am an active listener and will ensure residents concerns are addressed. Vote for Lauren Fernando.

The Star
Lightwood Ward needs attention. I will be advocating for improvement of our public spaces, drought proofing our sporting grounds and creating leisure facilities. We need to look forward and plan adequately for our future and deliver outcomes that are meaningful and sustainable.

I promise dedication, passion and to be an active listener to ensure residents concerns are addressed. Feel free to visit

Please vote for Lauren Fernando.

The Journal
The Journal requested commentary on the four following topics.

Springvale structure plan and the town's revitalisation.

We could definitely benefit from a town square and a multi storey car parking facility. The idea is sound, but parking remains an eternal issue

Refugee and migrant issues
Every new refugee and migrant deserves a fair go. We need to support people as they settle in, especially the young people who have experienced trauma and have come to Australia on their own. Many of us in our lifetime will never comprehend the horrors witnessed by these young people. We need to be able to support them with counselling, education and other needs and help them settle in. There is no quick fix solution and most will need ongoing support.
Each new nationality adds to our vibrant city, and we need we gain an understanding and appreciation of each other and a greater joy of living in such a multicultural society.

Parity with Dandenong
More and more money is been poured into Dandenong, but it's looking better than it has ever has been. Springvale on the other hand has been largely ignored. Springvale was once a vibrant city in its own right and hasn't still recovered from the not so clean image from the late 90's. Until concerted effort is made to clean up Springvale, image wise and hygiene wise, it isn't going to rise in popularity any time soon. Food Surveillance needs to conduct workshops on health and safety standards and conduct random checks more often and encourage diversity in the area and make the new ward of Lightwood on a whole much livelier.

The traffic snarl that is Springvale Road
The Springvale Road/Lightwood Road intersection area is of most concern.
Ideally I'd prefer that the train network be underground and solve most of the traffic issues, but I don't see the State government taking that on any time soon. What would be preferable is an overpass to ease congestion and pedestrian bridges.
Safety is paramount for everyone and that section is simply chaotic.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Policy Platform

Hi there,

Over the next two weeks, you should receive a copy of my flyer. In the meanwhile, here is my policy platform.


* Improving our libraries and community educational services
Springvale Library is in need of an upgrade- not just external face lift, but needs new facilities and equipment.

Community education in total needs to improve. By this I mean workshops and forums and a positive learning environment.
There are some residents that will be disenfranchised for many reasons cannot physically attend the library. I will do my utmost best to bring back the mobile library.

* Support our vibrant Community Festivals and Events
We have so much to be proud of in the City of Greater Dandenong. We have 156 different nationalities represented and so much to offer. Unfortunately we don't seem to pull the numbers in attendance for our events. If we simply asked what our residents want to see and do, we may get the answers and we may just get that understanding and appreciation and enrichment of learning about other cultures.

The Dandy Show run by the Dandenong Agricultural and Pastoral Society, was founded in 1871, and what a wonderful showcase of talent from a diverse range of sections. The Committee deserve a whole lot more recognition and support.

* Encourage diversity
In light of such a diverse culture base, we should be doing our best to maintain that, while not over representing one or two cultures.
Diversity is not just about culture however; it also lends itself to varying groups in our society that don't get a mention.
Unfortunately our local media has a tendency to maintain a certain angle and give space for certain people to get on their soapbox for a quick headline.
My promise to you is to maintain a blog with my honest thoughts and give kudos to those who deserve it. Fairness and equality for all is what I will be striving for. Always.

* Ensuring rates are kept to the lowest level required to maintain community services
I emphasize to maintain community services, because more and more seems to be eroded. What belongs to the community should stay in community hands. Developers are interested in image. It is the people that make up a community and if you want to keep your community, you look after it.

* Support the actions of our local community groups
Again, community groups are the backbone of any society. Their very existence points to the fact that things need to be done.
Our senior citizen groups are to be commended for their work and should be supported more.


* Setting a green power target for Council property
The City of Glen Eira have set a target to move to 100% Green Power in the next five years. This is a commendable target. The most last informative document the Council has produced was in June 2005 on the "Environmental Strategy" paper and the "Towards a Water Smart City" of May of this year.
Whether or not these outcomes have been achieved is yet to be presented.

* Encouraging green practices throughout community
Interestingly, most of the targets identified in those reports involve local media to publicise Council work. You don't need to cut a red ribbon and have so much fanfare in getting a job done. In the words of Nike, "JUST DO IT."
We need to plan adequately for our future and deliver outcomes that are meaningful and sustainable. Our success is that we maintain a city for the future. Let history judge our actions.

* Maintain and improve public open spaces
To this end, I add especially our sporting grounds. I hope to be able to drought proof our grounds and provide the support to our sporting clubs that they require and deserve.

Unfortunately these days, public open spaces includes shopping centres. Shopping centres, to me, are not a substitute for a recreational facility.
I ask the young people in my youth group, "Where can you hang out in Springvale?" "Nowhere." and is the simple, honest answer.
For adults its a similar response, unless you count a gambling facility and an adult entertainment facility as "recreational."

I'd like to see a Street Surfer bus be available for our young people ( check out Maribrynong City Council website) and a vibrant fit-for-multi-purpose community centre for the Lightwood Ward.

In regards to our shopping centres, I'd like to see a review of Health and Safety practices in our local shops, especially in Springvale.
I'm not too sure about you, but I'm not keen on purchasing fresh food items that have been presented for sale just inches from my feet.
Springvale Centre is grungy looking, in a hazard like fashion, and needs attention.

* Improving our public transport services

The surrounding area of Springvale train station, Springvale Road and Lightwood Rd intersection is a logistical nightmare.
I'd like to see an overpass constructed to ease the congestion and pedestrian bridges erected to aid safety and mobility across either side of Springvale Road.

We could also benefit from more bus services, and the community bus service should be maintained.

* Improving our local roads and footpaths and street lighting.

It's sad and funny that a whole heap of footpaths were attended to, just in the last month. Must be an election soon. ;)

Street lighting in Springvale needs to be attended to as well as some footpaths.

Car Parking is a logistical nightmare in and around Springvale. I personally don't agree with paid parking unless the car park space has three fundamental elements:
1. The space sealed
2. It is lined marked
3. It has a security personnel presence.
There should be timed parking, but not paid parking.

In regards to road safety and I'd like to see a similar project like Legal Off Street Drags at Calder Park for car enthusiasts at Sandown Park.
Community driving courses would be beneficial.


* Ensuring an open, transparent, accountable and consultative Council
There needs to be a consultative and collaborative approach to all decision making. Call me idealistic, but I believe Councillors are elected to serve the community and you can only serve when you know what people want and that all relevant stakeholders have had their chance to respond.
I invite all residents to attend Council meetings and demand accountability and transparency.

* Representing, advocating, negotiating and meditating within and between communities, agencies, institutions and government

Massive task, but I think I can handle it :)
First up, I think a lot of residents would be able to find services and programs much easier if we had an easier website. It is very word heavy without actual detail. Have a look for yourself.
Processes do not have to be difficult.

* Create opportunities to empower community to participate in advisory groups

"The measure of a society is how it treats its weakest members." The original author of that quote is unknown and I don't particularly like the word "weakest", but the sentiment remains true. Its time to cut the red tape that prevents our residents from speaking up about issues that concern them to help them get the job done.
So much can be gained by the life experiences and ideas of others. We need to create opportunities for that wisdom to be shared in open forums.

Feel free to post your comments.


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Friday, November 7, 2008

Community Pride and Spirit- Dandenong Show this weekend!

Hi there,

This weekend is the Dandenong Show!

I've been involved over the past 3 years with the Exhibition Pavillion as a steward for the Cake Decorating section, which includes open, novice and students.

The stewards have been busy over the last couple of days setting up the Exhibition pavillion and its looking awesome as always.

A nice suprise this year was a former Greater Dandenong resident who is a teacher at a primary school in West Melbourne who had just over 90 entries from her students. This is a brilliant effort. What would be even better would be from our own primary and secondary schools in the Greater Dandenong area to submit entries. Any section, theres heaps to choose from.

The Photography section and the Cookery section are well up on entries this year, but unfortunately we've seen a decline in other areas.

I encourage people to get involved of any age. We've got amazing talent in our area and the Exhibition Pavillion is a great showcase for that work.

Hope to see you at the Dandenong Show this weekend.


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Dutch Uncle

Hi everyone,

I've been hitting the campaign trail and come across some concerns which I'll outline here.

I came across the term Dutch Uncle while reading "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch (If you haven't read it, I strongly encourage it- Thank you Kristian for my copy!)
It means someone who gives you honest feedback and it seemed like a good title for this particular post.

Since word of my nomination came about- I've recieved mixed responses. Some positive, some bad and some constructive. The constructive comments are rare. I find it beneficial to hear what you can improve on, learn and help shape the person to go on to do bigger and better things.

Here are some questions and answers I want to share with you all.

What faction is she in?
I'm not in one! I've never joined a faction. I have varying views on many issues and I don't feel it in my nature to have a set views and vote in particular ways. I have friends in the party that are from the Right, the Left and those who remain independent and I am lucky to have the support from all of those sides.

Why are you running for Council?
I have always wanted to serve my community in any capacity possible. Council is the next step in that circle. I initially wanted to run in 2005, but changed my mind and decided to go to university and broaden my mind a bit more.

What experience do you have?
I've been sitting on committees since about 14 years old in varying roles.
My most recent and biggest learning curve has been with Victoria University Council.
I've enjoyed every minute and grateful for the support and advice given to me by my fellow Councillors.

How old is she, and is she doing this for experience? or does she want to win?
I've just turned 21. But really, age is irrelevant. I don't think age should be a detrimental point whatever your age is. It's your life experiences and what you can bring to table that counts.
Whether I win or lose- everything is experience. You never stop learning.
"Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."
Regardless of experience or inexperience, I believe everyone has the capacity to achieve something that they really want to. I really want the opportunity to be your councillor. Just give me the chance. :)


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong.