Data taken as per distribution report from the VEC.
The final numbers are deemed as correct by the VEC and have other transfer values added which can be confusing.
The total ballot papers for Lightwood: 18566
Formal ballot papers total: 17164
Informal ballot papers total:1402
Quota: 4292
On First preference votes
CHEA, Youhorn 6588 - First elected- achieved quota.
2nd preferences were distributed as follows:
Surplus of Chea resulted in the following
DAVIS, James 1180 + 371 = 1551
EVANS, Simon 655 + 144 = 799
TRUONG, Loi 3594 + 1410 = 5004
HERRING, Yvonne 2750 + 161 = 2911
FERNANDO, Lauren 1938 + 144 = 2028
WILLIAMS, Franklyn 290 + 36 = 326
CISNEROS, Cesar 169 + 26 =195
Loi Troung declared 2nd elected with 5004. Troung is the 2nd ALP candidate after Chea. Unfortunately, this means Troung has only 712 votes as surplus and not enough to get me "up". Have a look at how diverse the preferences flowed.
Surplus of Troung resulted in the following:
DAVIS, James 1551+ 114 = 1665
EVANS, Simon 799+ 50 =849
HERRING, Yvonne 2911+ 79 = 2990
FERNANDO, Lauren 2028+ 441 = 2523
WILLIAMS, Franklyn 326 + 14= 340
CISNEROS, Cesar 195+ 12 = 207
At this point Herring was ahead of me by 467 votes. A third could not be elected as yet. The counting is then switched to eliminating the ballot papers from the candidate with the lowest amount of votes.
Preferences from Cisneros were distributed as follows, with 3 counts.
DAVIS, James 1665 + 21 + 7 + 2= 1695
EVANS, Simon 849 + 19 + 1+ 0= 869
HERRING, Yvonne 2990 + 22 + 5+ 1 = 3018
FERNANDO, Lauren 2523+ 53+ 3+ 2= 2581
WILLIAMS, Franklyn 340 + 54 + 6 + 4 = 404
Still no 3rd candidate is elected. I'm trailing Herring by 437 votes. Williams, the first of Herring's running mates, is next eliminated.
Preferences from Williams with 4 counts as follows:
DAVIS, James 1695 + 56 + 9 +15 +5 = 1780
EVANS, Simon 859 + 31 +4 +5 +2 = 911
HERRING, Yvonne 3018 + 125 + 5 + 7+ 2= 3157
FERNANDO, Lauren 2581 + 78 +36 + 14 + 8 = 2717
I'm now trailing Herring by 440 votes. Still no 3rd is elected. Evans is then eliminated.
Evans had four counts as follows:
DAVIS, James 1780 + 268 + 34 + 91 + 35 = 2226
HERRING, Yvonne 3157 + 175 + 8 + 37 + 11 = 3388
FERNANDO, Lauren 2717 + 194 +12 + 23+ 6 = 2952
I now trail Herring by by 436. It would be a miracle for me to pull 1575 (for the required quota) from the second of Herring's running mate, Davis. It only takes one count to determine the 3rd elected.
HERRING, Yvonne 3388 + 993 =4321
FERNANDO, Lauren 1938 + 247 = 3199
Subsequently, I miss out by 1122 votes.
The three successful candidates for Lightwood Ward were:
Youhorn Chea
Loi Troung
Yvonne Herring.
As you can see from the numbers, preferences "blew everywhere". This shows that the residents of Lightwood ward have chosen to vote their own way and not directly follow a how to vote. It was these votes that were critical for me to have been followed. But no matter, I will stand again next time.
Let's hope there is more scrutiny of candidates in the future and for residents not to pay attention to mindless diatribe of dummy candidates.
If you would like a copy of the table for yourself feel free to email me.
Friday, December 19, 2008
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