Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Everybody needs good neighbours...

(This blog title to borrow from the Neighbours theme song. ;))

This evening, I hit the streets with my dedicated family to letterbox drop my campaign pamphlets in the Springvale South/ Noble Park area.

We managed to cover just under 2 CCD's. 48 to go. There is a certain sense of pride in doing things yourself and meeting the people. And I don't mean that to be pompous or over the top, just honest and up front with your ideas and vision.

Today I got talking to a young couple, who have just moved into their new home and listened to their comments and got to learn a bit about them.
One interesting thing I came away with, was their commitment to getting to know their new neighbours. They made the first move and introduced themselves.
Instead of maybe the other way around, where existing residents making the effort to get to know the new people in their street. Kudos to them! I wish them all the very best and hope things work out for them.
It can take real guts to make the first move or break the ice. But the effort is well worth it.

How many of us know our neighbours? Literally? What's the relationship like?
The good relationships can often turn into lifelong friendships.
I know of a couple of families in one street that are always in and out of each others garden, mowing lawns and swapping plant cuttings from their gardens and having hour long conversations.
Our next door neighbours moved to another area to be closer to family, but we still stay in touch. They've become extended family!

However some people aren't that lucky. I'd like to hear your responses. Good and bad.

Community begins in your backyard. Make an effort to say hi to your neighbours this weekend, because sometimes strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.


Lauren Fernando
ALP Candidate for Lightwood Ward
City of Greater Dandenong

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