Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thinking positively...

Our thoughts and actions cause an effect. It is the nature of our those thoughts and actions that make the difference.

I have chosen to do my campaign with positivity. I trust the residents of Lightwood figure out what kind of community they want and which candidate best represents them.
I have chosen to envisage a community that has the capacity to grow, change and adapt to the current climate. Some of that is common sense thinking, some of it is dreaming large. It is the glass half full, not the glass half empty.
To move forward with the times. To care for and protect everyone.
Can these statements change anything?

Negative campaigns based on fear, breed fear. And they effect people too.
I repeat my request for all residents to check out the history and involvement of the candidates and incumbents and what their actions have been.

You have the chance to make a difference. Your vote is the decider.

I came across this website and had to share. Our body and earth are both 70% water and this research has to do with the implications our thoughts and actions have toward water. Its a children's book, but we can all learn from it.

I'd like to know what you think.

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